
Your Support Puts Food on the Table & Music in People’s Hearts!

inUncategorizedon October 11, 2018

When asked if he has cut his portions to make his food last through the month, Pee Wee Hayes, pictured below, replied, “Yeah, you’ve got to, that’s quite common in life for almost everyone”.
Through your support, Pee Wee and our other partner artists receive a monthly stipend from Music Maker to supplement their income, but more support is needed.
Music Maker’s partner artists carry on our great musical legacy into the present day. Their work transcends time and touches us deeply because it speaks the truth about the human condition. It is this honesty and integrity that we look for when we partner with musicians at Music Maker. It is not easy to find, but when we do, we pull out all the stops to bring the artists’ work to as many people as possible through performance and to document their work for future generations.
All too often, we find this special talent is being stifled by the difficulty of life as an aging senior citizen in communities of poverty. While none of us escape the inevitable effects of aging, the artists we serve often struggle to get basic healthcare and nutrition. In a recent artist survey conducted by our in-house social worker, Brittany Anderson, 65% of artists reported food insecurity, either skipping meals or cutting back on their portions to make their food budget last through the month. Over 35% of them cannot afford their medications each month and nearly half have a medical condition that goes untreated because they lack sufficient financial resources.
Your support can alleviate this suffering and ensure that our musical traditions live on and are shared with future generations!
With deep appreciation,
Timothy Duffy
Executive Director
Music Maker Relief Foundation

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