Archive From November, 2012
Music Maker welcomes interns from France
inNewson November 26, 2012
Raphael Evrard and Simon Arcache were riding their bikes through downtown Hillsborough on Wednesday afternoon when they saw a woman from nearby Village Diner who recognized them and shouted a greeting. If they had to sum up their experience the last month in America, that’s what they think of: quickly becoming a part of a […]
Cookin’ with Mother Blues: Thanksgiving Edition
inNewson November 14, 2012
It’s no secret that good home cookin’ has a big place in southern culture, especially in the annals of southern roots music — just ask anybody who has had “Cornbread and Butterbeans” by the Carolina Chocolate Drops stuck in their head for weeks at a time (you’re welcome.) With Thanksgiving on the horizon, we asked […]
George Higgs recovering in the hospital
inNewson November 8, 2012
We’ve just gotten word that Tarboro, NC Bluesman George Higgs has been moved out of the ICU after an issue with his lungs, and is on the mend. Unfortunately George has had to cancel his gigs for the rest of 2012 to re-cooperate, but Music Maker will continue be there for him as he recovers. […]
Music Maker Members keep our culture vibrant
inNewson November 1, 2012
We know that to a lot of organizations, “Membership” can mean a lot of different things. To us at Music Maker, everyone who donates to our cause is a member of our community. When you donate to Music Maker, you’re actively supporting and uplifting hundreds of Roots musicians. For us, that means you’ve joined a […]