Archive From August, 2015
Hurricane Katrina – 10 Years Later
inArtist Storyon August 27, 2015
This week marks the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the storm that shook a nation and changed the lives of New Orleanians forever. It’s hard to believe that 10 years have passed, it’s even harder to believe that New Orleans has yet to fully recover from this event. For many people living in the […]
Diggin’: Ernie Vincent – Dap Walk
inDiggin'on August 26, 2015
Earlier this year I traveled to New Orleans and got to see Ernie Vincent at the legendary Bourbon Street club, Chris Owens. Ernie is a force. This great tune – Dap Walk from his early days just oozes the funkiness that is New Orleans. Ernie will also be a part of the upcoming theater […]
Young Bluesman Jontavious Willis Visits With Elder Music Makers!
inUncategorizedon August 20, 2015
Jontavious struck the last note of “Big Road Blues” and both Boo Hanks and Jontavious burst out laughing. A musical connection has a beautiful way of closing an age gap of 70+ years. Here they were in Boo’s living room, just two passionate musicians trading songs and stories, quizzing each other on blues history. Jontavious […]
Diggin’: Ironing Board Sam with Ben Sollee “Summertime”
inDiggin'on August 20, 2015
It’s getting so hot, I believe the cotton is high. The heat feels like being wrapped in a hot wash cloth. At this point, it can only be taken in spurts. The nights are hot, the mornings steam, the afternoons spur delirium – dizzy, sun blinded and giddy we wander around for our cars. […]
Diggin’: Adolphus Bell – Hurt Before You Heal
inDiggin'on August 13, 2015
I found out today that my long time beloved car is dying. Her trip to the mechanic this week would turn out to be her last. She was my first car, and we’ve had some great memories on the road together, but it’s time for us to finally part ways and say our goodbyes. I […]