Archive From January, 2014
Music Maker and Black History Month
inBlack History Monthon January 31, 2014
Music Maker Artist Willa Mae Buckner in her younger days – all that she taught us will not be forgotten Black History Month is an annual observance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom for remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. For 20 years, Music Maker […]
Don’t Miss Leyla’ McCalla’s CD Release Party in Durham!
inNewson January 31, 2014
Leyla McCalla releases her album at The Pinhook! Tuesday 2/4 – Doors @ 8pm, Show @ 9pm Leyla McCalla has been a Music Maker Next Generation Artist since 2011, and now we’re so excited for her release Vari-Colored Songs: A Tribute to Langston Hughes – releasing on February 4th! Join us at Leyla’s CD release party […]
Diggin’: David Bryant’s “One More Time”
inNewson January 29, 2014
Listen: David Bryant’s “One More Time” Around Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, it is tradition to listen to the blowing of the shofar, a primitive bugle made out of a ram’s horn. The idea is that hearing the shofar wakes up your conscious, and even though the year may have been a blur of […]
The Road: Aaron’s Perspective
inUncategorizedon January 28, 2014
Tim and David Bryant Tim, B and I traveled just under 2,000 miles throughout the South from January 13th – 17th, visiting Drink Small, David Bryant, Little Freddie King, Alabama Slim, Guitar Slim, Jr., Guitar Lightnin’ Lee, Willie James and Leyla McCalla. Seeing eight artists in five days was thrilling. I work in varying capacities […]
Watch: Short Little Freddie King Documentary
inNewson January 28, 2014
Former MMRF Intern and Filmmaker Tom Ciaburri made this short documentary of Little Freddie King, where he talks about his two-wheel Cadillac, the Blues and living in the south. Check it out!