Archive From September, 2012
Sweet Palmetto Blues – Ironing Board Sam and Drink Small perform together for the first time!
inNewson September 27, 2012
Ironing Board Sam and Drink Small will perform together at Sweet Palmetto Blues at the Richland Fashion Mall this weekend. The two blues artists have more in common than just their South Carolina heritage and unique nicknames – they have both embarked on decades-long music careers that started in their teens, and both have a quirky, distinct view of the […]
Capitol Blues Night is back — and bigger!
inNewson September 20, 2012
The Blues is back in D.C. – Capitol Blues Night is October 24th! This time though, a full Music Maker Blues Revue will be performing at The Hamilton, and tickets will be $25. Don’t miss this – it’s not often you get to see Ironing Board Sam, Captain Luke, Cool John Ferguson, Big Ron Hunter, […]
You changed Precious’s life!
inNewson September 13, 2012
Music Maker is dedicated to the preservation of the Roots, musical traditions that share a birthplace among our nation’s working poor. Our cultural identity is threatened daily as traditional musicians are silenced by poverty and time. Music Maker gives these artists a voice, and ensures they can live out their elder years in safety and […]