Archive From September, 2014
Music Maker in the Winston-Salem Journal!
inNewson September 30, 2014
The Music Maker Relief Foundation was founded in Winston-Salem in 1994. Check out this incredible article from our hometown! Read the article here
Diggin’: Sol – Black Mattie
inDiggin'on September 26, 2014
Listen to Black Mattie Even if you are not a fan of Hip-Hop music you can still appreciate the deep grooves of this song. Robert “Wolfman” Belfour’s unmistakable moaning voice on top of raunchy acoustic guitar lick and a sharp drumbeat makes for an incredible […]
Garden & Gun Features the Homecoming
inNewson September 26, 2014
Garden & Gun Magazine did a full page feature on our 20th Anniversary Homecoming event! Read the feature here Purchase tickets here
Huffington Post Q & A with Tim Duffy
inNewson September 26, 2014
Check out this great piece from the Huffington Post. Tim talks about the many facets of the Music Maker Relief Foundation. Read the article here
Diggin’: Lucy’s Voodoo
inUncategorizedon September 25, 2014
Listen: Lucy’s Voodoo When you see images of Lee Gates around the Music Maker office, you know you’re looking at a real deal, tried and true bluesman. The guy is over six feet tall, yolked up, and usually dressed in overalls. Granted, I’ve only seen photos of Lee, but I’ve heard he’s a real character […]