
Lee Gates Continues His Fight

inTheir Needson December 3, 2017

Born in Pontotoc, MS, Lee Gates is guitarist who stands among giants like Albert Collins, the Kings and Jimi Hendrix. For proof of this claim, one need look no farther than the three records he made with Music Maker. In 2014, Lee had a stroke and began the long road to recovery. It wasn’t until last year that Lee’s doctor discovered a possibly fatal amount of fluid buildup on his brain. Lee was rushed into surgery, which he narrowly survived. During this time, Lee’s home was thought to be abandoned and was pillaged by his neighbors. The only thing his friend was able to recover in time was an amp and the guitar that Music Maker had given him.

Lee has been residing at a rehab facility for the past nine months, and has made an astonishing recovery. All the while, Music Maker has continued to provide critical sustenance support for Lee. Music Maker has been supplying Lee with clothing, and is working to help him transition back to a regular life as he nears the completion of his rehab. This transition will be difficult, but we will stand by Lee, who has been a Music Maker partner artist for fourteen years.

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