
L.C. Ulmer joins MM Lineup for Southern Mississippi Roots Festival

inNewson July 26, 2012

L.C. Ulmer is a blues player who hails from Jones County, Mississippi. He was born in 1928 in Stringer, and has played guitar since he was nine years old. This isn’t surprising when you consider how much music was happening in his household. Nearly everyone in his family played some sort of instrument, and considering that L.C. had six brothers and seven sisters, that’s a lot of musicians under one roof!

Throughout the 1950s and 60s, L.C. traveled, performed, and ended up playing with legendary musicians such as Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, and Louis Armstrong. In 2001 LC returned to Mississippi, and will join the Music Maker Stage at the Southern Mississippi Roots Festival on October 13th in Hattiesburg, MS. Tickets for that event are free – stay tuned at musicmaker.org for more information on that festival!

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