
It’s Flu Season! Drink Small’s approach to staying germ-free

inNewson January 10, 2013

Drink SmallTim is down with the flu this week, and while on the phone with him he asked me if I was feeling okay. I told him we’d wiped down the office with Lysol after he went home, so I’m feeling pretty safe. He laughed and said Drink Small would be proud.

According to Tim, Drink and his wife took a train to Montreal years ago. When they got back, Tim asked how they liked the train ride. Drink’s wife said it was fine, but people kept looking at them oddly. They didn’t mind, though, and did their best to enjoy the traveling. Tim asked them why people would act that strangely towards them, and Drink’s wife replied that she and Drink didn’t want any strangers’ germs, so whenever anyone would pass by their seats she would rigorously spray the air with one of the cans of Lysol she’d purchased for the trip.

That is certainly one way to keep the germs away! It will also help keep strangers on public transportation away from you, apparently. So keep safe this flu season – wash your hands, disinfect frequently-touched surfaces, and drink plenty of fluids! We can’t recommend Drink’s wife’s trick of spraying Lysol everywhere, but we do appreciate her aggressive tactics in keeping Drink in good health!

— Corinne



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