
Diggin’: Two Trains Runnin’

inNewson July 17, 2014


Listen: Two Trains Runnin’


Last Saturday night the Music Maker team headed down to Southern Pines for their Annual Blues Crawl, which this year featured Music Maker artists for the entire lineup. A dozen performers, eight venues, a whole town basically taken over by Music Maker! It was great. Aaron did an amazing job, and spent so much time coordinating the artists, not to mention the 13-hours he spent actually working the event. Artists were performing from 7pm to 1am, and the crowd was huge.


A familiar face in the crowd was our very own Board member Henry Slyker. As I introduced John Dee Holeman at the Cup of Flow coffee shop, I saw Henry sitting at a table and went to say hello. We then proceeded to watch John Dee kill it during his first set. I revolved around to several venues to check out the other artists playing (Aaron did the heavy lifting on this show, assisted by intern Masyn and Corn, but I helped a smidge) but every time I popped in to see John Dee, Henry was right there. During a break I was telling him about the train that had just rolled through town (train tracks literally bisect the town down the middle lengthwise) and stopped at every street blowing its horn while Blues Crawlers ran across the tracks. He commented that, “actually, there were Two Trains Runnin’,” and I was so proud of myself when I recognized that as a John Dee song. Song title jokes used to just fly right over my head.


So, in the spirit of the Blues Crawl interrupted by a train whistle (just one train though) and John Dee’s epic night of performance from 9pm – 1am – here’s Two Trains Runnin’!


— Corinne


PS – Here’s Henry’s account of the evening on our blog, titled “Why I Suck At Blues Crawls.” We don’t think he does, though!

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