
Diggin’: Benton Flippen – Benton’s Dream

inDiggin'on March 19, 2015



Anyone that has had some sort of involvement with Old-Time Fiddle Music knows the name Benton Flippen, and would also surely be familiar with his song, “Benton’s Dream“. Rarely is such a classic melody written in modern times. If you listen closely you can hear this how this song captures the ups and downs that one experiences during a dream. The song quickly bounces around from being uplifting to somewhat dark and then back up again. Benton was an incredible figure in the Old-Time community and continued playing in his home community of Surrey County, NC until his death in 2011. Although Benton has passed, his legacy lives on as you walk through the campground at the Mt. Airy Fiddler’s Convention and hear this great tune being played.


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