Music Maker Blues Revue invited to Australia!
inNewson January 24, 2013
Bluesfest Byron Bay is bringing the Music Maker Relief Foundation Blues Revue to Australia and the Northcote Social Club will host the players on March 27! Bluesfest Byron Bay is one of the premier venues worldwide.
Artists making up the Revue will be Ironing Board Sam, Dr. Burt, Major Handy, and Pat Wilder, plus Ardie Dean, Albert White and Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq.
From the festival:
‘Bluesfest Touring’ presents Music Maker Blues Revue
Bluesfest is honoured to bring this integral blues institution back to Australia and proud to be taking these musicians on the road for the first time.
Far too often true musical pioneers become forgotten heroes and the music they played such a part in creating is forgotten along with them.
Music Maker Foundation is fighting the good fight to keep the blues and southern roots music alive and pay homage to these incredible musicians.
This inspired and inspiring non-profit North American organisation is dedicated to give back to the roots of American music.
After truly moving, humbling and beautiful performances over the years at Bluesfest, we knew 2013 would be the year to take this incredible foundation on the road.
This year we’ll be featuring The Music Maker Blues Revue featuring Boogie Woogie legend Ironing Board Sam, Guitar slinging siren Pat Wilder, Alabama bluesman Dr. Burt and Zydeco giant Major Handy, with Albert White, Nashid Abdul Khaaliq and Ardie Dean.
TICKETS: $55+bf (on sale Wed 23 Jan) – https://bit.ly/MusicMakerBluesRevue27Mar
Thank you so much for an inspiring evening of music at the blues fest, Australia. We stumbled in on the act and had to come back the next night for more.
You have a great organisation, hope it keeps growing strong.
Thank you to those wonderful musicians who played in their hearts out so I could boogy my bum off. You were the best of the Blues fest, Thank you.