Diggin’: Pernell King & Guitar Gabriel “Late In the Evening”
inNewson September 19, 2013
Listen: Late in the Evening
Pernell King and Guitar Gabriel’s “Late in the Evening” is on my playlist this week. Pernell was Guitar Gabriel’s half-brother, who spent 27 years in prison. Guitar Gabe was one of the founding Partner Artists at Music Maker’s very beginning. I am haunted by the story of how Guitar Gabe and Tim would head out to visit Pernell when he was out on prison work crews. They would bring Gabe’s guitar with them on these visits, so they could sing and make music with Pernell while he worked. After Pernell was released from prison, he and Guitar Gabe spent many nights at Ezelle’s drink house, playing together and making up for lost time.
The song transports you to a late summer evening at Ezelle’s as the pair make their music together. Both have since passed on, but fortunately Music Maker has recordings like this to help us remember (or in my case, discover) their musical talent and their stories.
— Corinne