Diggin’: Dr. Burt – Clock On the Wall
inDiggin'on September 10, 2015
Sometimes at Music Maker, you go down into the music archive, close your eyes, spin around three times, point to the shelf and grab the first thing in front of you. Music Maker CD Roulette! Okay, maybe it’s not exactly like that, but the copious amounts of original recordings available in the archive can certainly be overwhelming. Today I was lucky enough to grab the Dr. Burt CD “They Call Me Dr. Burt” and happened to play the song “Clock On the Wall” first.
This song immediately starts out heavy, reminiscent of a crawling deep blues style, with a growling guitar lick. A really great contrast begins to take shape from Dr. Burt’s melodic lyrics and the heavy crunch behind his distorted guitar. The two compliment each other perfectly, and Dr. Burt’s howling style of song carries this lonesome ballad all the way home. The song practically begs you to sing along. Enjoy!
— Berk
oh yeah, Dr Burt! LOL, this I rate #2 of his must to hear (of course the #1 is “What does an old man do”. I sure hope God is grooving on Dr Burt’s blues,
Stay frosty and keep the faith, mate!