
Archive From April, 2020

Aaron’s Quarantine Playlist

inTheir Musicon April 10, 2020

Youtube is a respite. Its a great place to go when you want to explore and you are stuck at home. I was on the phone with Curtis Harper, drummer for the Glorifying Vines and husband to Mattie Harper, one of the singers in the group a few weeks ago. We were just checking in, […]

A $60,000 Match & the Story of Sam Frazier, Jr.

inTheir Needson April 8, 2020

These past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind. Most of our office has shifted to working remotely and we have been in daily communication with our Partner Artists who are experiencing, like most, a massive shift in their lives. We are incredibly grateful for our supporters who have stepped up and offered to match […]

PLAYLIST: Tell me a Story…

inTheir Musicon April 7, 2020

When you’ve had enough bad news for the day and can’t be bothered to find the one movie on Netflix you haven’t watched, maybe it is time to kick back, close your eyes and hear a couple of good yarns..

Listener’s Circle Vol. 40

inTheir Musicon April 2, 2020

Dear Listener’s Circle Members, Thank you for your support of the Music Maker Relief Foundation. It is times like these when our great American musical traditions can still bring a smile to our faces and bring us together spiritually, even if we must remain at least six feet apart. To our astonishment, our presenting partners […]

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