
Archive From February, 2014

Leyla McCalla: What Black History Month Makes Me Think Of

inUncategorizedon February 13, 2014

Bring me all of your dreams, You dreamer, Bring me all your heart melodies That I may wrap them In a blue cloud-cloth Away from the too rough fingers Of the world.   “The Dream Keeper” by Langston Hughes   I’m writing this article on the eve of the release of my first album, Vari-Colored […]

High Strung Violins and Guitars hosted a workshop with Ironing Board Sam this past weekend, and it was a big success! Check out a photo of Sam and his students, and stay tuned for more workshops at High Strung with other MMRF artists!

Dom Flemons on Black History Month, Pete Seeger

inUncategorizedon February 10, 2014

I generally resist being politically charged.  I use my music to convey different pieces of the American Experience as I interpret them.  You can talk to me about my politics in person if you might find it necessary.  But… since I’m writing about Black History Month, I feel the use of the words “Black,” “History” […]

Fourth Day on the Road: Willie James

inUncategorizedon February 6, 2014

Leroy James, Willie James (Center), James Weston After leaving New Orleans, we headed towards Willie James – our country’s greatest Juke Joint drummer. When he plays the drum, you hear the sweat, the beer, and the cigarettes of a lifetime playing the roughest back country juke joints in Mississippi. It was a cold night when […]

Listen: Latit Bonit Leyla McCalla has had a brilliant career of late. In 2011 she was playing Bach on Royal St in New Orleans, the next year she was touring the world with the Carolina Chocolate Drops; she toured with the Drops for two years, and played in front of over a million people. Her […]

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