
PLAYLIST: Tell me a Story…

inTheir Musicon April 7, 2020

When you’ve had enough bad news for the day and can’t be bothered to find the one movie on Netflix you haven’t watched, maybe it is time to kick back, close your eyes and hear a couple of good yarns..

Listener’s Circle Vol. 40

inTheir Musicon April 2, 2020

Dear Listener’s Circle Members, Thank you for your support of the Music Maker Relief Foundation. It is times like these when our great American musical traditions can still bring a smile to our faces and bring us together spiritually, even if we must remain at least six feet apart. To our astonishment, our presenting partners […]

Grasshopper Pie by Slewfoot and the Angels Recorded in a gritty, pre-Katrina New Orleans, the dissonant strains of Slewfoot and the Angels’ “Give Your Love” draws us in and reminds us of the importance of human connectedness and compassion in the face of strife and suffering. You just gotta reach out. – Denise Duffy

Wayne Henderson is a famous luthier from southwest Virginia. I met him in 1981, I was 18 years old and had just moved South. Wayne worked for the US Post Service as a rural mail carrier. We became friends and he built me a guitar that I learned how to play on – I carried […]

To say the coronavirus has had a devastating impact on our partner artists would be an understatement. All Spring concerts have been cancelled and with the bars and restaurants closed the smaller gigs are done too. Our most elder artists are holed up in their homes with what small supply of groceries they could afford, […]

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