Local news visits Ironing Board Sam’s “Master Class”
inNewson February 28, 2013
Ironing Board Sam is sharing his talents with youth through an exciting program at the Orange County Charter School in Hillsborough, made possible by the Jazz Foundation’s Agnes Varis Jazz in Schools Program. For this five-month program, Sam will make regular visits to classrooms to pass his musical knowledge on to children. The program will culminate in a concert for parents and friends where students will perform alongside Sam, accompanying him on ukeleles, glockenspiels, and other instruments. Recently, Sam’s “Master Class” was full of media wanting to document this unique educational program. Sam was featured on ABC11 and in the Durham Herald Sun (front page, above the fold!) Watch the video below to see what the kids think of Sam, and read the Herald Sun article here!
Whoopee! Wonderful. Wish I could see and hear the festivities.
Tim’s mom, Lucy
Knowing the many budget cuts in schools country wide, which do include music, I am excited to see Ironing Board Sam working with grade school students…Keep the Blues Alive!