
Pernell King

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Pernell King Acoustic Blues


Pernell King, from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is a half-brother of Guitar Gabriel. In their youth this pair hoboed the country playing their blues. Pernell spent 27 years in prison. Gabe and Tim Duffy would often visit with him while he was out on work crews. He had a beautiful smooth voice and Gabe would bring out his guitar and they would sing right there on the side of the road. He was finally set free, and he and his brother spent a good deal of time with one another, playing their blues down at Ezelle’s drink house. Pernell King passed in March of 1996.


How We Helped:
Pernell King became a Music Maker artist in 1994. As part of the Music Maker Relief Foundation, he received sustenance grants, recorded songs on compilation CDs, and was featured in the book Music Makers: Portraits and Songs from the Roots of America in 2004.


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