
Pat “Mother Blues” Cohen

Home / Artist / Pat “Mother Blues” Cohen

Pat “Mother Blues” Cohen Active Touring Artists


Since the age of six, Pat was surrounded by music. Her blues classroom was on the porch of her uncle’s house where one played the guitar and the other played the harmonica.


How We Helped:
Music Maker assisted Pat through the New Orleans Musicians Fund, and she toured with the Music Maker Blues Revue in Australia, Europe, and the U.S. In 2014 Music Maker helped Pat Cohen get a vehicle so she could make it to her gigs. In the winter of 2015 Music Maker got a new heating system for her home.


Her first professional engagement came in the early 1980’s when she was asked to perform at a local club where she was attending college. “I had three days to find three musicians and put together 30 songs,” she said.


“They loved me—the rest is history because I’ve been singing the Blues ever since.”


For years, Pat sang in New Orleans six nights a week, performing at a wide array of venues including the House of Blues, until Katrina destroyed her home. She relocated to North Carolina and has recently started touring with the Music Maker Blues Revue. During her performances, “Mother Blues” unfurls the tapestry of her life experiences to her audience in soulful words and music. She shares the mettle, pathos and ocean-deep compassion of the famous female blues singers she idolizes—women like Billie Holiday, Koko Taylor and Etta James.


Pat Cohen is a dramatic and exotic performer whose talent should not be overlooked.


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