
Haskel “Whistlin’ Britches” Thompson

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Haskel “Whistlin’ Britches” Thompson Acoustic Blues


“He is the only fellow I have heard who can pop and click his tongue like a bushman.” – Tim Duffy


How We Helped:
A Music Maker artist from 1994 until his passing in 2011, Haskel “Whistlin Britches” Thompson received sustenance grants and numerous touring opportunities through the foundation. He was recorded on several Music Maker compilation CDs, as well as his solo album Clickin’ King of Hip Poppin’, and was featured in the Music Maker documentary film Toot Blues. In addition, Haskel toured with the Music Maker Blues Revival at Durham Warehouse Blues and the Shakori Hills GrassRoots Festival in North Carolina.


Haskel Thompson was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 1932, and has lived there to this day. Captain Luke gave Haskel his nickname Whistlin’ Britches a year ago. “He has an amazing spirit and exudes utter joy when he sings.” – Tim Duffy


“It is great being part of Music Maker and meeting different artists. I love it to the death. I love knowing that we are trying to help people. It is wonderful going out to entertain because we bring happiness, joy, and peace. I got children out here clicking and going on. When they see me they say, ‘Here comes the clicker.’ They try their best to do it.”


“It makes me feel so good to be recognized. I want to sing it, I want to talk about it, I want to dance with it, I want to spread the news of our organization.” – Haskel “Whistlin’ Britches” Thompson



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